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Steve Halzel

Destination Velocity with Quality, Be Aware Potholes Ahead

Kobiton Inc. recently published their STATE OF TEST AUTOMATION 2020-2021 EDITION report where they surveyed more than 350 software testers and mobile developers to learn how organizations have (or haven’t) adapted Test Automation.  Comparing company approaches to test automation including a more granular perspective broken down by the following categories: Company Size Release Frequency Company Revenue QA Team Size Budget… Read More »Destination Velocity with Quality, Be Aware Potholes Ahead

Most Test Automation Framework (TAF) Implementations Fail Before They Get Started

You know what they say… The best way to learn is to Fail Forward… Ok, I have a few scars then… Modernizing or implementing a new Test Automation Framework (TAF) has many of the same challenges as an Agile Transformation.  Whether you are refactoring or starting fresh, TAFs are not considered direct revenue-generating.  So, they are treated as that ugly word… Read More »Most Test Automation Framework (TAF) Implementations Fail Before They Get Started

Dev Ops: You Can Run But You Cannot Hide… From QA

In an earlier article, I argued that Quality Assurance (QA) and the revived role of Quality Engineering has largely been ignored or considered an afterthought during companies’ transitions from Waterfall to Agile. The growing use of the term “DevOps” perfectly illustrates the industry’s continued neglect or, rather, lack of, appreciation that these Quality roles have on this development process. Check… Read More »Dev Ops: You Can Run But You Cannot Hide… From QA

Agile: To Embed QA or Not Embed QA, That Is the RISK!

The focus of Agile developers tends to be delivering “customer-ready” software by the end of every sprint. I’m all for that of course. Delivering usable software by the end of a sprint is one of the core differences between Agile and waterfall processes. With that said, bringing usable software to a sprint review is quite different than delivering a complete… Read More »Agile: To Embed QA or Not Embed QA, That Is the RISK!